Baratree well if thye can do such things against their cannons they need to be turned back against them to answer the oath?

August 18, 2013 § 1 Comment

Comon practices like this is going on in crook county all the time as well as will county illinois ?Called the god complex!!!!

Judge Sent Text Messages during Trial to Help Prosecution

Friday, July 19, 2013
Judge Elizabeth Coker

A Texas judge is under investigation, and possibly facing impeachment, for aiding a prosecutor with text messages during a trial.

In August 2012, District Judge Elizabeth Coker reportedly coached prosecutors from the bench during the criminal trial of David Reeves, accused of a felony charge of injury to a child. He was later acquitted.

Coker’s text was sent to Kaycee Jones, who was a prosecutor for the Polk County District Attorney’s Office at the time.

Jones, who was in court as an observer, wrote down Coker’s suggested line of questioning to the defendant and passed it on to Beverly Armstrong, the prosecutor.

The message from Coker to Jones read: “Judge says … baby pooped on (Reeves) — if he threw a dog off the bed because the dog peed on bed what would he do if baby pooped on him?”

In letters sent to the Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel for the State Bar of Texas, Jones admitted her part in the texting controversy.

“I deeply regret that I acted in this manner. It was wrong and I knew better. My boss, District Attorney Lee Hon, discussed this incident with me and we agreed that it should not have happened and that it would not happen again.”

Jones, who is now a judge herself, stated she can “now fully appreciate the importance of the impartiality of a judge in a trial and my responsibilities as an attorney not to engage in such conduct. I was wrong and nothing like this will ever happen again.”

Coker, meanwhile, is under investigation by the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct. In addition, state Representative Harold Dutton has called for her immediate impeachment.

-Noel Brinkerhoff

To Learn More:

State Leader Calling for 258th District Judge Coker’s Impeachment (by Vanesa Brashier, Eastex Advocate)

Texas Judge Under Fire After Disclosure That She Texted Prosecutor During Trial With Suggested Examination Questions (Jonathan Turley)

Former Prosecutor Admits Wrongdoing during Trial (KPRC)



frank Jamieson2 weeks ago
dig deeper…… There has been other incidents of questionable bench conduct……


§ One Response to Baratree well if thye can do such things against their cannons they need to be turned back against them to answer the oath?

  • Judge coker has also ruined my fam­i­lies life. She sen­tenced my 37 year old brother 99 years for allegedly sex­u­ally abus­ing his own daugh­ter. There was no evi­dence pre­sented that he com­mit­ted this crime that he was accused of and the exam­iner that exam­ined the child stated in court that the child had not been touched. But yet her and Lee Hon can ruin someone’s life behind false accu­sa­tions. On top of that the whole court pro­ceed­ings were uneth­i­cal. For instance all dur­ing the trial there were jokes and laugh­ter going on from Coker as well as the dis­trict attor­ney (Lee Hon). Another thing that took place that I was uncer­tain about was the fact that my brother asked for another attor­ney instead of the present court appointed lawyer and she told my par­ents that the only way that he could change lawyers is if a new lawyer is present before the trial the next day. I don’t give credit to Karma, I give all credit to God because he said in his word that “you will reap what you sow.” In my opin­ion Coker was able to get off easy but her judge­ment day is com­ing and she will have to answer to the almighty God for all of the many lives in Polk County, San Jac­into County, Trin­ity County, and other coun­ties that she have destroyed behind her coruptness!!!

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