2015 white washed report

April 7, 2017 § Leave a comment

We initiate prosecutions where necessary to protect the public, the courts and the legal profession. The Illinois Supreme Court sanctions lawyers for misconduct in most cases; a repri- mand can be imposed by either the Hearing or Review Board. We observe several key trends.
81 disciplinary complaints filed before the Hearing
Board, a 27-year low.
77% alleged fraudulent or deceptive activity.
39% of disciplinary complaints were the result of an attorney report (aka “Himmel” report), the highest percentage reported.
130 cases concluded by the Hearing Board, a significant reduction over the prior year.
63% of cases were concluded without the need for the Hearing Board to issue a report and recommendation.
39% of cases were concluded at the Hearing Board by discipline on consent.
18% of cases were concluded by default.
129 sanctions were entered against 128 lawyers.
85% of disciplined lawyers were male.
62% of disciplined lawyers were between the ages of 50 and 74.
61% of disciplined lawyers were sole practitioners. 45% of disciplined lawyers were disbarred or
suspended until further order of the court.
37% of disciplined lawyers were 30 or more years in practice.
27% of disciplined lawyers had one or more iden- tified substance abuse or mental impairment issue.
2 disciplined lawyers were out-of-state lawyers sanctioned for engaging in the unauthorized practice of law in Illinois.

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